Friday, May 25, 2012

A Magical Journey

Today, I want to share a magical journey where eyes twinkle more beautifully than the most precious jewels.

I walked into this enchanted forest unexpectedly one afternoon.  My sons eyes were twinkling with delight as he pulled my hand and brought be in front of the old chest that resides in our dining room. He screwed his face up and squinted one eye in thought before stating, "something is missing."  I took a hard look at the chest and decided to screw my face and squint my eye before I asked, "what is missing"? Extra sparkles entered his eyes at the invitation to continue his tale.

We sat on the floor together and I learned that the missing piece had grown legs and ran away.  These feet had taken the piece into a river where we were going to need to grab skateboards and use them for boats.  We looked into our "noculairs" and saw a waterfall coming so we had to hurry!  We grabbed for the piece but it got away.  As far as I know, it is still on the loose today.

The truth is, that piece fell off a while ago and is put up in a drawer. I am so grateful to have these children around to remind me that life shouldn't be viewed in black, white, and heavy obligations; rather, it is a colorful, magical experience where adventures are waiting to be found.

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