Me Shop

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Faces of Grayson Designs

Today we reveal the faces behind Grayson Designs....

If you have been wondering why I always refer to Grayson Designs in the plural form, wonder no more.

It is because...

Two heads are better than one :)


But really, there are two of us running the show.  Grayson Designs would never have happened had I not been encouraged by, my dear friend, Kelley Haire.  The more we talked about actually getting serious about selling some jewelry, the more we realized that we could turn this hobby into an opportunity to help others.  Since then, things have been falling into place and we have been donating to some wonderful causes.  I, Amy Grayson, the two headed lady, make the jewels and try futilely to sell and market them online, while Kelley gets to go out in the real world and sell the jewels first hand.  She also helps coordinate jewelry parties, delivers merchandise, and handles the business cards.  Together we make a pretty good team, but most importantly, we both understand that God is in control.  Knowing that makes the endeavour easy.

Here she be.....

We believe that big hair will never die.


While I'm at it, I should also send a shout out to my family for their support. Jamie Dyson, the perplexed lady, has worn a lot of hats for Grayson Designs, most notably as our lovely model. All of my former co workers have been wonderful supporters and customers..  particularly, Jen Borgra and her gracious donation of boxes.

Who wouldn't want to buy jewelry from us.

As always, feel free to check out our Etsy Shop.

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